
yuán dà tóu 
[ yuán dà tóu ]
  1. [silver coins minted in the early years of the Republic of China with the head of Yuan Shihkai on the obverse side] 指民国初年发行铸有袁世凯头像的银元,也叫大头
  1. 即袁头币。
    王汶石 《大木匠》三:“ 大木匠 赶忙接口说:‘如今这婚事,不比从前,讲三媒六证啦!讲多少布,多少花,多少袁大头啦!’” 沙汀 《老太婆》:“因为那粮户积存的,全是些亮亮晶晶的‘袁大头’,不必经过几次折换。”
  1. silver coins minted in the early years of the Republic of China with the head of Yuan Shihkai on the obverse side
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