
wǔ lún 
[ wǔ lún ]
  1. [(in feudal China) the five cardinal relationships;five cardinal relationships between ruler and subject,father and son,husband and wife ,between brothers and between friends] 封建礼教指君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友五种伦理关系
  1. 旧指君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妻、朋友之间五种伦理关系。也称五常。
    《镜花缘》第九九回:“门上有了这样能事家人,恩主於五伦之中,虽於‘朋友’这伦有些歉缺,毕竟少了许多应酬之烦。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第三章二:“我在心里着实感谢着他。无怪呵,古时候的人要把朋友算作五伦之一了。”参见“ 人伦 ”。
  1. (in feudal China) the five cardinal relationships
  2. five cardinal relationships between ruler and subject,father and son,husband and wife ,between brothers and between friends
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